Frequently Asked Questions


What is the estimate percentage for any potential fee increase in the next year?

There is a 10% annual increase in fees.

Are there any other costs associated with extra-curricular activities I should plan for and if so what are they and how much will they be?

The extramural activities offered at the school are: soccer, volleyball, table tennis, running, chess, drama, debating, public speaking and music. There are no costs involved unless specified.

We take the students on excursions once a term – the cost is ± R150 per excursion.

We have a non-compulsory Leadership Camp for the IGCSE & AS/A Level students in September which costs ± R1400.

What transport arrangements are there for pick up and drop off after school in the area and if there are, will there be an additional cost? How much will it be?

We do not have a transport service. However, we can put you in touch with one of our preferred suppliers/transporters for the cost thereof.

Are textbooks expected to be in paperback format, will it be acceptable for a student to have e-textbooks on a tablet? Regarding Computer Studies, will school PC's be used or will students have to bring their own PC's to school?

E books may be made use of – specifically on a kindle or the like. No tablets with other features may be brought to school. We have a media centre which is used for our Computing subjects and other research projects.

What is the full range of uniforms needed?

The uniform is specified on the code of conduct. It can be purchased at School & Leisure.

What is the average class size?

Our classes have an average number of 12 or less students per class.

What has been your A level pass rate in recent years?

We have a 100% pass rate.

Do you normally arrange trips/tours and excursions for the kids?

We usually would take the students on one trip per term. This could include the community project outings. Every second year, we take the students on a Mission Trip to Venda for 3 nights and this costs ± R1500 which includes meals, accommodation and transport.